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Alice in Dairyland has a rich Wisconsin history

Alice in Dairyland has a rich Wisconsin history

​​From its wholesome and pastoral beginnings following World War II to today's high-tech age of instant communications via social and traditional media, the Alice in Dairyland program has grown and changed with the times.

Mar 11, 2025, 8:55 AM CST



The Alice in Dairyland program started in 1948, during Wisconsin’s centennial celebration, with the selection of Margaret McGuire Blott as the first Alice.

Margaret McGuire Blott, Wisconsin’s first Alice in Dairyland

​​From its wholesome and pastoral beginnings following World War II to today’s high-tech age of instant communications via social and traditional media, the Alice in Dairyland program has grown and changed with the times.

In 1948, Alice was a beauty queen fresh out of high school. Today, she is professional public relations professional with at least four years of experience or education in agriculture, public relations, communications, or related fields. Beyond individual communication skills, the list of job requirements includes knowledge about Wisconsin’s diverse agriculture and products, history, resources, and rural-urban issues. Alice is expected to work effectively with colleagues, the media, and the public. She develops her own educational materials, speeches, and presentations.

The early Alice traveled nationwide with a chaperone, logging 150,000 miles a year – most of it on airplanes – and making 1,000 appearances annually. Today’s Alice spends much of her time driving Wisconsin’s highway and byways, accompanied by her cellular phone and GPS. However, she continues to travel both nationally and internationally, and still logs tens of thousands of miles.

The program’s goal is to promote Wisconsin agriculture and its products, both within the state and nationally.

While the program began with a beauty pageant-like selection process, the role of Alice in Dairyland has evolved into a full-time public relations position, requiring extensive travel and public speaking to promote Wisconsin agriculture.

“1955 Alice in Dairyland, Barbara Brown, stands with four Dairy Princesses”

Photo courtesy of the Wisconsin Historical Society

The top 6 candidates to become the 78th Alice in Dairyland (2025) announced. Click HERE for the article.

Crawford County Wisconsin is proud to be the site of the 78th Alice in Dairyland Finals in May 2025, being held in Gays Mills and Prairie du Chien.

The event on May 17, at the Performing Arts Center in Prairie du Chien, is hosted by Driftless Development Inc and Connect Communities Gays Mills.

*Thanks to Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) for past and current Alice in Dairyland information for this article.

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