In a recent edition of Mid-Day Magazine on WFHR, host James J. Malouf was joined by Wisconsin Rapids Mayor Matt Zacher.
In a recent edition of Mid-Day Magazine on WFHR, host James J. Malouf was joined by Wisconsin Rapids Mayor Matt Zacher.
The conversation opened with a discussion about Mayor Zacher’s feelings about the future of Wisconsin Rapids. They discussed the priorities Zacher is focusing on before the next election cycle. He named the Mill, moving the railroad, and 8th st among things he would really like to see done before a possible exit from office. Zacher stated that he is planning to run in the next election cycle. Zacher said in order to make himself more time during the election cycle he is working on the 2026 budget now.
A listener wrote in a question about the road access on Two-Mile Avenue, and One-Mile Creek. Zacher explained that there is off-season construction work being done there. They are adding Storm Sewer Retention Centers in that location. The intention is to filter the water as clean as possible before it re-enters the river. The road is open to traffic at this time.
Then the conversation led to the renewed discussion of ATV/UTV ordinances in Wisconsin Rapids. Malouf asked about the Common Council’s motion to add this ordinance. Wisconsin Rapids Mayor Matt Zacher explained that he understands that the addition of these vehicles to Wisconsin Rapids roads is inevitable. During the last referendum an ordinance allowing ATV/UTV traffic was voted down.
However, that referendum was asking to allow drivers as young as 12. There are certain recently elected Aldermen that feel passionately about this subject and have been working hard to get it on the table again. After a series of uncommon legislative moves they have been able to achieve that, with the alteration of requirement of a driver’s license to operate a vehicle on the roads. The council will be voting on that in the next meeting.
They close on a discussion about Christmas Tree Pickup happening on January 20th-24th. They also mention that registration is open for Winter and Spring Programs and Activities through the Parks and Recreations department.
If you would like to hear the interview in full you can visit our website here.
For Mayor Matt Zacher’s contact information you can visit his government page here.
Our Head of News, Melissa Kaye, authored this deep dive into the ATV/UTV Ordinance.
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