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Feed My Starving Children battles hunger worldwide

Source: Canva

Feed My Starving Children battles hunger worldwide

June 14, 2024 8:36 AM CDT

By: Lisa M. Hale

GREEN BAY, WI – (WGBW & WISS) – Thousands upon thousands of children throughout the world go hungry every day. Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit organization formed to combat world hunger.

Vanessa Moran from Feed My Starving Childred in Green Bay said hand packed meals are sent worldwide.

“We get into some of the most remote locations in the world,” said Moran. “Where there’s a need. That’s where it goes…The need is so, so great. We hand pack meals and ship food to around 70 countries all around the world. The packing is done by hand to help keep the costs down.”

The meals the organization makes to feed people is a nutritionally dense raw food blend which is purchased by the volunteer organizations, according to Moran.

“It’s very specially designed to combat malnutrition. Rice, soy, vegetables and then a vitamin blend; those are the four main ingredients. They are raw food ingredients. We put them together in the bag. We seal the bag. The bag gets shipped around the world,” said Moran.

Each meal pack costs 29 cents to make. 

“$109 feeds a child for an entire year. That meal, everyday, is saving their life,” said Moran.

Each bag will feed a family of four, and while nutritionally dense, it is very simple to make.

“These packages and these meals can be prepped incredibly easily,” Moran said. “When you think about these remote locations, they don’t have access to microwaves. You just need a fire, a pot and water, and they can make these meals.”

Fundraising campaign with Green Bay Rockers

Currently the Green Bay chapter of Feed My Starving Children is fundraising to collect $150,000 to pack about 500 thousand meals in October. Part of the fundraising effort involves a special collaboration with the Green Bay Rockers on Father’s Day, June 16th.

Moran says the $15 admission ticket will get participants entry to the game, a hat, and $4 from each of those sales to help Feed My Starving Children.  Gates for the Father’s Day game open at noon, and the game starts at 1:05. 

Feed My Starving Children needs volunteers

Moran said the biggest thing outside of money that is needed to make the Green Bay MobilePack possible is volunteers. They need volunteers of all ages and abilities. In fact, children as young as 5 years old are encouraged to help out.

“We need about 3000 volunteers to make this possible,” Moran said. “It’s a really wonderful way to get kids involved early. A lot of organizations around the area, you have to be 10, 11, 12 to get involved. We say ‘We’re goint to start ‘em young.’”

Moran says children are some of the most passionate volunteers with the project.

“We share the stories of the lives that are affected. And the best part is, honestly, kids fundraise. My children did a bake sale. And they raised $70!” Moran said.

Green Bay Mobile Pack October 7 to 10th

Eleven local churches partner with Feed My Starving Children all year round to organize and create the event where over 3000 volunteers help to pack 500,000 meals for hungry children.

For information on how to volunteer or donate visit HERE. You can also find out more on their Facebook page

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