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Great Lakes Double in Ice Coverage, Still Not Enough

Source: Meteorologist Brittney Merlot

Great Lakes Double in Ice Coverage, Still Not Enough

Brittney Merlot

Jan 19, 2024, 11:38 AM CST



WAUSAU, Wis. (WXCO) Lake Michigan ice is still well below average, even with the arctic temperatures striking.

The Great Lakes are spiking in ice coverage, after a delay in December with record warm temperatures striking.

Amid the recent arctic blast, total ice coverage has doubled. However, it is still not where it should be. 

Lake Michigan usually has around 20% ice cover by mid-January but it’s only around a mere 10% now.

Green Bay is freezing over, with it estimated to be around 2-5″ thick. Some of the shallow shorelines, extending from Milwaukee to Chicago, are less than 2″.

Up North, the Wisconsin side of Lake Superior started to freeze in early January. Chequamegon Bay, is estimated to be 3-6″ thick.

As of Friday morning, Book Across the Bay posted that Chequamegon Bay has a solid 6″ of ice, with as much as 3″ of snow on various portions of the Bay. Which at the moment, means they are on track to another successful event on Saturday, February 17th. Where you can ski or snowshoe, in the dark lit by candlelight, across the ice.

But Lake Superior as a whole, is only at a 5% coverage.

In total, the entire Great Lakes has iced up to just over a 10%, in a strong El Nino season. Last year, it reached just over 25% total, in a weak La Nina year.

With a few more cold days ahead, that may slightly increase. Up until the threat of warm weather surging in next week. Which could potentially bring some more above freezing temperatures back into the state.

As inland lakes are rapidly freezing over, Wisconsin’s Free Fishing Weekend is casting off on January 20th & 21st. Remember, no ice is 100% safe. Clear ice is usually more solid than white/grey/opaque or snow covered ice. Always tell someone where you are fishing and when you’ll return before heading out onto the ice. Also, check in with local bait shops for current ice conditions. If conditions are questionable, opt to cast to open water from shore. Don’t forget to dress appropriately for the weather, and remember safety gear like warm layers that are water-resistant, sturdy waterproof boots with spike-style creepers for traction, a rescue throw rope and ice claws.

OutWiGo is allowing anglers to catch fish without purchasing a fishing license or a trout and salmon stamp. If you plan to keep fish, review the DNR’s Safe Eating Guidelines to stay informed of potential consumption advisories. If the bite is on, you might even catch a tasty panfish or walleye dinner!

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