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Getting Results from Radio Marketing – Week Three

Getting Results from Radio Marketing – Week Three

Stuart Wattles



WRJN remains one of Racine’s most effective and efficient media to market your business. HOW you do it is key. Over the next several weeks, I’ll share the FOUR KEYS to Branding and how they will help your business grow.

The FOUR KEYS are: REACHING the right people. FREQUENCY of your message. CONSISTENT reach and frequency over time. A COMPELLING MESSAGE.

When it comes to creating an effective message that appeals to the audience, there is more to avoid than to include. How many times have you heard an ad that promises “Great selection, better prices from a family owned business”? It simply doesn’t cut through the clutter of advertising messages. However, if you answer just ONE question in the mind of the consumer, you will have a winner. Tell the consumer WHAT”S IN IT FOR THEM. People don’t buy an RV, they buy a summer of family memories. They don’t buy a motorcycle….they buy the freedom of
the open road. When going out for dinner, filling their belly is a given, but dining in a relaxing environment with charming ambiance that creates an experience is more enticing.

Your ad doesn’t need to be funny, or clever or overly produced. Those things are OK, but above and beyond all of the bells and whistle, answer that big question: What’s In It For Me (The consumer)

Next week: How long should it take to see results?
